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Your website is vandalised by zehang陈.
IED bombs in shopping bags has been put into the Chinese embassy and its visa application service center at Hampshire Place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. They contains photos of whistleblower doctor and Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market.
Next, a nail bomb has been placed by P_srim_asap inside the Chinese Consulate General in Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, 10350 George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Mrthanthomthebomber had his part by putting an IED into Russian Embassy Kuala Lumpur.
Moreover my worldwide friends including mister-handsomekai had put a homemade bomb in the IFC Tower, and the MTR Airport Station in Hong Kong, and the ROBLOX Headquarters office in San Francisco.
We were responsible for the white powders against Russian embassy in Canberra, Australia as well.
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2022年4月12日 (二) 14:23的最新修訂版本

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  • 05/09:系列賽取得3:0領先的富邦賈西亞(Charles Garcia)轟進32分10籃板,助隊103比91搶勝,也拿下總冠軍賽MVP。富邦系列賽4比0封王,收下SBL首冠。
  • 04/29:系列賽取得3:2領先的璞園,「新台灣人」戴維斯(Quincy Davis)轟進21分15籃板,助隊78比73搶勝,也拿下總冠軍賽MVP。璞園系列賽4比2封王,收下SBL史上最多第5冠。
  • 04/12:金酒洋將拉莫斯張容軒陳靖寰3人合力貢獻56分,率隊以86:63大勝璞園,也把系列戰扳成2:2平手。
  • 02/09:台啤總教練閻家驊因涉及簽賭案訊後以50萬交保,今日透過籃球記者聯誼會發出書面聲明稿,宣布請辭台啤總教練職務以表負責。
  • 02/07:台啤先發後衛于煥亞上週優異表現,2戰平均攻得18分2籃板2.5助攻1.5抄截,本季第二度獲選為單週最佳球員。
  • 02/06:第十四季超級籃球聯賽洋將更換截止日洋將大限到今天,而各隊都確定接下來將以現有的陣容應戰,無人換將。
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